The Blissfully Balanced Program

It all begins with a 30-minute complementary consult where we discuss the areas of your life that need a bit (or a lot) more attention. We then decide if we are a good fit for each other and if the subscription based program is right for you!

Subscription Options: minimum 6 month commitment

Classic Program 2 50-minute private Zoom sessions with me. Able to email questions any time and will get a response within 48 hours.

Pro Program 4 50-minute private Zoom sessions with me. Able to text me any time and will get a response within 24 hours.

Goal Setting

In session one we set one-month, three-month, and six-month goals together. I will help you to create smaller actionable steps on the way to achieving each of your six month goals.

Balance Is A Dynamic State

In session one, session six, and session twelve we do an exercise that highlights where you are not spending as much attention as you’d like to in your life. Throughout our time working together we regularly check in with this.


Mindset is incredibly important. Most people I meet are silently suffering in resistance to some part of their life. Most of us have contexts such as, “I’m not enough” or “I’m not lovable” or “I don’t matter” that we are relating to other people and the world around us from. We can only be the best partner and leader to our horses when we have worked on dissolving these limiting beliefs and the fears that are holding us back from our true empowered selves.

Magic Wand

What would you change if I could wave a magic wand and improve anything in your life? What’s one thing you know you “should” be doing to move towards that now, but aren’t? Let’s get started!

Six Whole Months?!

I lean towards only offering the six-month program as I truly believe that lasting change happens somewhere between the three-month and six-month mark. I’ve tried three-month programs with client’s that don’t want to commit to six, and although wonderful improvements come to fruition, six-months really is the sweet spot. Client’s typically stay on the subscription for longer, too! That being said, if you are completely resistant to a program and would like an hour of life coaching a-la-carte then I am happy to help support you!

Please email me at to discuss alternative package options or a-la-carte session pricing :)

What will it feel like in six months when you’ve achieved your goals and more?

I can’t think of a better investment than yourself, can you?

The Blissfully Balanced 6-Month Program